reducing hospital readmission

Reducing Hospital Readmissions: 5 Strategies

Hospital readmission or rehospitalization is the readmitting of a patient to a hospital within a particular time duration after discharge. This time duration ranges from a week to a year. Certain factors cause a patient to revisit the hospital for the same health condition.

Hospital readmission happens if a patient doesn’t get proper treatment and care, proper medications on time, or early discharge. Besides, poor hygienic conditions, improper medications, and inadequate care of patients at home after discharge also cause rehospitalization.

In order to reduce hospital readmissions, the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) was organized in 2010 under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Under this program, the hospital management aids in taking measures that can reduce rehospitalization. It requires a better discharge plan, patient education, and follow-up appointments for better care coordination.

What Factors Cause Hospital Readmission?

Many factors cause patients to be readmitted to hospital for the same illness. Learning those risk factors is important to reduce hospital readmission.

During Hospital Stay

Insufficient care and treatment of patients in hospitals can have lasting impacts on their health after discharge. Factors such as inadequate patient care, irregular medication schedules, incorrect dosages, and poor hygiene contribute to the decline of the patient’s health.

Discharge planning

Early discharge increases the chance of hospital readmission. When patients and their families are not fully informed about care management, medications, and potential risk factors, the likelihood of hospital readmissions increases significantly. They must have a solid understanding to prevent setbacks and ensure better health outcomes.

After discharge

After discharge from the hospital, certain factors contribute to hospital readmission:

  • Inadequate patient education about the timing and dosage of medications
  • Polypharmacy (taking several medications at the same time)
  • Taking medications without consulting the doctor
  • Taking harmful drugs
  • Less health literacy among patients
  • Chronic health conditions such as heart failure, stroke, mutagenesis, surgeries, fractures, etc.
  • Delaying or not attending follow-up appointments
  • Maintaining poor hygienic conditions.

Why Reducing Hospital Readmission is Necessary?

Reducing hospital readmission benefits the hospital staff and the patients in numerous ways. As readmitting to hospitals has proven to be expensive, reducing rehospitalization plays a crucial role in healthcare cost reduction and improving the medical billing process.

Also, visiting the hospital again and again can drain the patient emotionally and relate to low self-esteem, stress, and depression among patients. Therefore, reducing readmission rates is crucial for the physical and mental health of patients.

Moreover, patients develop trust in the healthcare system when they are not required to return to the hospital multiple times for the same condition. It ultimately enhances patient outcomes. Additionally, reducing hospital readmissions helps preserve hospital resources, including patient beds, medical supplies, and staff.

Furthermore, it allows healthcare providers to devise a better plan for patient education, care, discharge, and follow-up appointments to minimize rehospitalization.

Strategies That Help to Reduce Hospital Readmissions

Readmission to the hospital may be necessary for conditions like heart failure, surgeries, fractures, and chronic health issues. However, the hospital management and the patients must implement necessary measures to reduce hospital readmissions.

1. Medication Management and Reconciliation

Healthcare authorities need to frame a medical practice management system for the well-timed treatment of patients at the hospital. The appropriate transfer of necessary information about patient care between healthcare providers should also be established.

Hospital staff must ensure proper care for patients, including administering the correct dosages and timing of medications. Hospital authorities should organize medical reconciliation to make patients aware of managing their dosages and medication timings productively. It will help them to reduce hospital readmissions.

With the assistance of specific software or online management systems, hospital authorities can help patients manage the timing and dosages of their medications. This allows patients to set timers for their medications to ensure they do not miss a dose.

2. Discharge Planning

A proper discharge plan should be devised by the hospital authorities according to the health condition of a certain patient to ensure their well-being. Early discharge from the hospital should be avoided.

Patients should receive the best care at the hospital. It is essential to ensure that they continue to receive appropriate care and treatment at home after discharge. To prevent any further complications, proper education for patients and their families is crucial.

3. Patient Engagement and Education

Healthcare providers must ensure that patients have a clear understanding of their health conditions, treatment options, and the importance of adhering to medical advice. If patients do not take their health seriously, it can result in worsening health issues and, ultimately, an increased likelihood of hospital readmission.

Good hygienic conditions must be maintained at home to avoid infection. Furthermore, patients should avoid polypharmacy and should not take any medication without consulting the doctor. Harmful drugs should be avoided, especially by elderly patients. Adhering to these guidelines can aid in infection control while reducing hospital readmission.

4. Follow-up Appointments

A healthcare provider must schedule a follow-up appointment for the patient after discharge from the hospital. This will help patients to discuss any complications regarding their health condition with doctors.

Healthcare providers must eliminate communication barriers with patients. Also, they must ensure that patients are receiving continuous and adequate care.

In addition, patients must consult their doctor in case of any medical emergency to prevent hospital readmission. For this purpose, scheduling software provides the best help with avoiding any chance of human error.

The most efficient way to schedule an appointment is by using software or an online platform. Both healthcare providers and patients can set reminders to ensure they don’t miss their appointments.

5. Risk Factor Identification

Healthcare authorities should ensure that every patient identifies the risk factors that could harm their medical condition. Patients must be aware of certain factors, such as age, lifestyle, and family history, that can negatively affect their health.

Patients and their caretakers should avoid risk factors and manage them effectively. It is important for patients to follow their prescriptions and avoid the factors that may harm their health. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential in preventing any further healthcare complications.

Healthcare providers can inform patients about risk factors by listing them on online management systems. This approach saves time, as patients won’t need to call or rush to the doctor. Instead, they can easily learn about risk factors and medications to avoid through these online systems.

Over the past few years, hospital readmission has been among the significant challenges faced by the healthcare authorities with an average increasing rate of about 14.5%. 

According to research, around $25 to $45 billion is spent annually on preventable hospital readmissions resulting from inadequate care and poor management. Therefore, reducing hospital readmission is vital not only for patients but also for healthcare providers.

Hospital readmissions can be significantly reduced if patients and their caretakers must carefully follow their doctor’s advice. Proper education of patients and their families about risk factors, medications, and hygienic conditions helps reduce rehospitalization.

Healthcare providers can utilize various software and online platforms to assist patients with medication schedules, dosage management, and awareness of risk factors. These platforms can also facilitate appointment scheduling. Overall, online systems can save time and are easily accessible for both doctors and patients.

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